Thursday, March 26, 2009

DTS trained college lacrosse freshman is one of the best in the nation

Maryland lacrosse player Jake Bernhardt has been recognized as one of the top freshman midfielders in the nation.

DTS trained wrestler invited to the Olympic Training Center

*notice the fashionable DTS sweatshirt lee is wearing

Lee Wildes was recently invited to the OTC - Olympic Training Center for his efforts in ranking 3rd in the nation for greco wrestling (154lbs.) at the Fargo Nationals. This helped Lee become an All-American. Check out Lee deadlifting over 400lbs.

DTS trained NBA D-League player Majic Dorsey making a name for himself through hard work and self improvement

Slam online interview, Reno, Reno:

DTS trained athlete's at the college level

University of Maryland lacrosse player Jake Bernhardt has proven to play a role as a freshman. Jake a midfielder has 4 goals along with one assist. We wish the Terps well as they have some tough games ahead of them for the ACC.

Jake Huxtable doing well in his freshman baseball season for UCF. We wish UCF baseball well as conference play comes up.

Columbia baseball player and Louisville Slugger All-American Nick Cox making strides in his second year:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Monster Mass

I have received over a 100 e-mails about Monster Mass since Cytosport's new website has been up since last Sunday. People, we do not own Cytosport so we could not discuss the release of their products until they give us the okay. (lol) Well we just got confirmation today that the first batch of samples have been made and shipped to stores and yours truly, DTS. This stuff is sure to pack on lean muscle and it will be available to the public very soon. Checkout Cytosport's new website at

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DTS athlete's on the rise

Taken from ESPNU College Football Nation: Wake Forest running back Kevin Harris -- In just the third start of his career and his first since October 2006, Harris turned in one of the most memorable performances of the inaugural EagleBank Bowl. Harris rushed for a career-high 24 carries and 136 yards. It came as a complete surprise and sparked the start of much-needed improvement in the Deacs' running game. His senior season could be his best. Check out Kevin below running over a Midshipman during Wake Forest's bowl game.

Taken from Jesse Bernhardt, Lake Brantley, FL (Maryland) The junior All-American led his team to a state title game appearance in '08. Bernhardt headed Lake Brantley with 155 groundballs and added five goals and five assists. Bernhardt is a natural athlete and also plays linebacker on the football team and was the leading tackler. He uses his strength to his advantage and intimidates opposing attackmen. Expect offenses to shy away from Bernhardt, who might be the best defensemen ever to come out of the Sunshine state.