Here's a little recap on Timmy's training in 6 weeks:
Before DTS:
Body weight: 183lbs.
Vertical Jump - 37"
Broad Jump - 10'
40 yard dash - 4.7 seconds
Pro Shuttle - 4.3 seconds
L-Drill - 7.32
225lb. Bench Press - 3 reps
After DTS:
Body weight: 197lbs.
Vertical Jump: 42.5"
Broad Jump: 11' but he scratched so had to jump again.
40 yard dash: 4.46 seconds - This time is also in the top three of all combine and pro day participates for running backs
Pro Agility: 4.1 seconds
L-Drill: 6.9 seconds
225 Bench Press: 10 times
How scary would these times have been if he had more than 6 weeks?
Here's a couple of other videos of Timmy training:
550lb. Deadlift with overhand grip
60" Box Jump