Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Recent News

Congratulations to long time client Alex Haynes who has signed with the Denver Broncos! Look for Alex to make an impact immediately for the Broncos!

Congratulations to another long time client Justin Komondoreas on signing with the Florida Firecats an Arena 2 team.

Zach Marmetschke scored the winning touchdown for Lake Mary HS last Friday night. Look for Zach to make a name for himself as a top player for Lake Mary in the years to come, he is only a sophomore on Varsity!

Anthony Siler has still found time during his busy fall baseball schedule to train with us while taking another tenth off his 60 yd dash time in 12 sessions. Anthony just recently ran a 6.5 at a showcase. We can not stress enough how important the proper strength training is for young athletes and their development.