Thursday, August 21, 2008

Athlete of The Month August '08

Athlete of the Month

This Month's Athlete is Orangewood Volleyball Player Erin Anderson. Erin came to us from another facility after not getting the results they promised her. She has shown great improvement in the weight room along with her on court performance. Erin has just started DTS a month ago and has already "seen improvements in her jumping and hitting power". Erin told us she "noticed the difference in the first week"! She has taken her trap bar deadlift from 95lbs. for 5 reps to 185lbs. for 5 reps in less than a month! We feel the trap bar is a great tool to help increase vertical jump because of the proper musculature developed. We can't wait to see her improvement even more as she plans to train during her high school season as every smart athlete should do to maintain strength, increase flexibility and injury prevention.