Monday, August 18, 2008

New Blood Summer Recap '08

Every summer we train more and more college football players and trust me I'm not complaining! However there are always a few who surprise the hell out of me with hard work and dedication even with extreme time constraints. This summer was no exception with Wake Forest fullback Kevin Harris and Notre Dame's All American defensive tackle Ian Williams.

Ian was only able to train with us for a month but this kid trained hard, listened, did everything we asked of him and always on time even though he did not have consistent transportation.

Read more about Ian here:

Ian hit a below parallel box squat with the cambered bar for 1 rep with 525lbs. but his limiting factor was definitely conditioning and flexibility and well, Ian could tell you we took care of that.
Here he is below performing some backward sled pulls.

Look out for Ian this year we wish him luck and his best season yet. Oh yeah, he's only going to be a sophomore!!!

Kevin came to us with some extreme flexibility, strength and conditioning issues throughout his whole body but what was worse was the fact he still did not have full range of motion in his wrist after a surgery last football season. This to us was crucial if he couldn't be 100% how was he suppose to help his team? With a lot of rehab work we were able to help Kevin come back and actual helped him hit a personal goal of his to get back to benching 405lbs. Which he did! Kevin also brought up some severe weaknesses that really helped him become that total athlete he was looking to become.

Below is Kevin hitting his 405lb. bench along with a video of Kevin performing plyo push-ups off 6 inch boxes.

What wrist problem?